Sunday, July 14, 2024


We were in Branson this weekend for a wedding and found ourselves with some free time. I was browsing the brochures for things to do.  There were numerous shows, concerts, rides, tours, glitz and glam everywhere. It was overstimulating and unappealing to me. The Butterly Palace caught my eye, but it cost $27 each.  Then, amidst all the big ads with flashy colors and fonts, a tiny black and white ad that said only: “Shrine of the Holy Spirit” and an address.  It was 10 minutes from our hotel, and it was the only place I wanted to go. The first thing I saw was this rock with the 10 commandments carved into it. I stood there for a long time thinking about my sins and repenting, which I don’t do very often.

Then I looked up and saw the cross and felt the forgiveness. 

As I continued walking, I came to this statue of Jesus coming out of the tomb. 
The look on His face took me to a holy place that would be cheapened if I tried to describe it.  I put my hands on His face and stood there with tears running down mine.  
Swallows were nesting in the eaves all around the shrine, and they were flying and swooping all around me. I could hear their wings. And there was lovely music playing from speakers.  I walked around and read the verses etched into the walls, and then I just sat on the concrete and basked in His presence. 
I walked around the outside of the shrine and saw an apple lying on the ground. It made me reflect on Adam and Eve in the garden, the fall of humanity, and God’s plan for our redemption through Jesus. 
When I came around the other side, I saw the biggest beetle I’ve ever seen. Mike googled it and told me it was a Hercules rhinoceros beetle. I had no spiritual revelation, just gawked at it for awhile. 
The chapel was locked, which was disappointing because we’d brought our Bibles and were planning to do our morning reading in there. Took a picture through the window.