Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Free bike wash

Unbelievably busy day today.  Dentist appointments, school work, laundry, ballet, drama, martial arts, single parenting while Mike is in Chicago for work.  I was looking at the schedule and wondering how we were going to do it all when Noah came running in and yelled, "Mom!  There's a free bike wash down the street!  Can we go?" 

Then they dropped a white feather down the drain across the street and ran to the creek to see how long it took it to come out.
They built a wall out of rocks and mud too.  We finally did get everything done on the list, but it involved Sarah doing math while Noah was at martial arts, and Noah doing laundry while Sarah was at drama, and all of us working later than usual.  Tomorrow is shaping up to be another busy day. 

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