Thursday, June 13, 2024

The true prize

Yesterday I read a Facebook post from a guy (who lives a mile from me) about how he’d lost his wallet. He’d put it on the roof of his car and driven off. He put his phone number and address on the post. As I read his post, I felt like I should go look for his wallet, but I didn’t have time because I was heading out to pray for people at my school’s healing rooms. Also, I just didn’t want to. :)

When I got home hours later, I was editing my friend’s book that he’s about to send to a  publisher. In it, he tells the story of a dream he had about finding someone’s wallet. At that point, I said to the Holy Spirit, “Ok! I get it! I’ll do it!” But it was dark and late, so early this morning, I set out to look for the missing wallet.

I prayed and was full of faith that God would show me where it is. I texted the guy and asked him some questions.  Then I went to his house and slowly drove the route he’d driven when he lost the wallet. I looked carefully in both the natural and supernatural realms as I drove. I didn’t see the wallet but noted some places to stop and search on the way home. When I got to the destination, I parked there for a long time, praying and thinking. Then I got out and walked up and down both sides of the street for some distance. I started driving back, stopping to check the places I’d noted earlier. Nothing.

I sent the guy a text saying, “So sorry I didn’t find it but will keep praying for its safe return. And even though your physical ID was lost, your actual identity as a child of God can never be lost. Blessings to you.” He replied with gratitude. I was disappointed and told God as much. I was still stinging from Sunday’s lack of healing, despite my faith, fasting, and intense focus on the Lord all last week, which resulted in a definite word of knowledge that He would heal left ears through me. At school, we learned that when we pray for people, even if they aren’t healed on the spot, they should feel God’s love. So when nobody got healed on Sunday, nobody got healed in the healing rooms last night, and now I didn’t find the wallet, I asked God, "What was the point of all that?" He said that people felt His love through what I did. I mouthed off, “Is making people feel loved the best You can do?” He immediately replied, “Yes. There is nothing better than My love.” There was some repentance and crying as the truth of that sunk in. His love is not a consolation prize or a disappointment. It IS the prize. Everything else is a bonus.

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