Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Over the weekend, I noticed that Shiloh had a small open wound. Two days later, on the way to the vet, she was crying. I unzipped her carrier and put my hand on her and prayed for her healing and for peace to descend on her. She stopped crying. The vet examined her, and we were looking at this closed wound covered with a thin layer of fur. He said, "That's an old wound; it doesn't need any treatment" and I said, "No really, it was only two days ago." He said there's no way it could have healed that quickly and I told him I had prayed for her. 

I was doing laundry while watching some work-required training videos. I arrived at a good stopping point in the training and saw that the dryer had 10 minutes remaining, not enough time to start another section. I prayed, "God, what do you want to do in these next 10 minutes?" He reminded me that I hadn't yet done my daily centering prayer, which involves 7 minutes of silence. So I did that, but we were having such a good time that I didn't want the dryer to interrupt, so I asked Him not to let it, and He said, "If I can make the sun stand still for Joshua, I can certainly extend the drying time of your laundry." And He did. When we had processed Our important work together (He was giving me words of knowledge for an upcoming ministry time), which was certainly longer than 10 minutes, then the dryer buzzed. All in His perfect timing.

I have extremely itchy bug bites over a large percentage of my body, so much so that I couldn't sleep at all last night. I noticed one of the bites was oozing a gold colored liquid so I sent a picture of it to my friend Paula and said, "Am I oozing glory? That's what I've been praying for, but I didn't think it would look like this!" She called me and prayed that the itch would stop...and it did. 

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