Much better today. I spent considerable time studying the map, wandering around, asking questions, and getting a little lost, but not completely lost like yesterday. It helped a lot to realize that this place is similar to Methodist hospital (except this is way bigger) where there are different elevators for Hamilton and Crescent. This place has different elevators for Cascades, Garden, Magnolia, and Delta. We have to take the Magnolia 1 elevator down to the second floor and then switch to the Garden elevators. Today I found out that the Magnolia 2 & 3 elevators don't go all the way through to where our room is. This is our journey to the pool.
Our room is all the way down at the end of this hall. We have to go down several of these before we get to the more exciting part: the Garden Conservatory.
After walking through the whole Garden Conservatory (which has a river!), then we walk a long time down this curving hallway,
down some stairs,
and finally, there's the pool. It's a nice pool. Worth the trip.
The lifeguard gave them some goggles and water noodles.

There was a rainbow around the sun.
Noah tried out his new handfins that he bought at a garage sale for a quarter.
Looks like Sarah is kicking that kid in the face, but she really isn't.
Foamstache in the hot tub.
We stayed in the pool all day until Mike got there.
We finally got out of the pool and ate at a pizza place in the hotel. Noah spent some of his Nana&Papa money to buy a jaw harp. He's been twanging on it all day. All this southern honky tonk music must be getting to him. I'm already slipping into my southern accent. Y'all come back tomorrow, y'hear?