Monday, October 20, 2008


This morning Noah was pretending to be our old cat Choco (who died when Noah was about 2 years old), and he was hunting mice. In the middle of that, Mike came in and announced that Colin Powell was endorsing Barack Obama. After a long discussion with Noah about what that means, he incorporated it into his play. He had a political rally where all the cats were endorsing Chocobama, and all the mice endorsed John McMouse. Chocobama promised to enforce a law that required every American citizen to grow catnip. John McMouse promised cheese to every mouse. On election day, Chocobama won by one vote, and all but three of the mice decided to support him. The other three decided to move to Canada in protest. But Chocobama asked them to stay and be his vice presidents (one to get his groceries, one to write down everything he says, and one to attend meetings for him).

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