Monday, September 27, 2010

Flying creatures in the house

We were all hanging out downstairs.  Suddenly I heard flapping, as Mike was saying, "There's a bird in the house!"  I turned just in time to see a full-grown sparrow flying across the room.  The cat saw it too, and he cornered it.  I was just starting to wonder how we would ever get the thing out alive, when Noah just reached down like St. Francis of Assisi and picked it up with his bare hands.  He took it outside and released it, and it flew across the street into the neighbor's bush.
A few hours later, I opened the door to go out, and something flew at me.  I ducked, and the thing flew right into the house.  I chased it down and discovered it was a huge bug of some kind with extremely long legs and wings.  It flew around the house for awhile, and then Mike tidily disposed of it. 

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