Thursday, October 19, 2017

No funerals here!

I had my first parent-teacher conference this morning.  As I was getting ready, I realized I don't know what one is expected to wear in this situation.  I assumed pajamas would be inappropriate, and sweatpants were probably not a good idea either, but are jeans good enough with a nice shirt?  That soon became a moot point, because my jeans are all too tight at the moment.  Must stop eating so many chips.  Anyway, back to the drawing board.  I put on a decent pair of black capris with a forgiving waist and a black shirt.  Then I feared I might look like I'm going to a funeral.  I went to the living room and had a conversation with Sarah:

S: Is that what you're wearing?
M: Ummm...maybe? Would that be wrong?
S: Depends on the look you're going for.
M: I guess I'm going for...responsible parent?
S: Don't you have a blazer or a cardigan to dress it up a bit?
M: No. I'm not a blazer/cardigan kind of person.
S: I guess it's OK, but you look like a child.
M: Thanks.
S: What are you going to do with your hair?
M: Well, I washed it.
S:  Hmm..
M: I'm going for the clean look.
S: Why don't you go blow-dry it and then I'll curl it for you?
By the time I located the blow dryer (which I haven't used for years) and dried my hair, there was no time for curling.  I decided to go for the on-time look.

Turns out the funeral attire wasn't necessary, because every single teacher had great things to say about Sarah.  The science teacher was especially impressed and seemed to know her well and genuinely like her.  I asked him how she was doing socially, if she got along well with her peers and was making friends.  He said yes, but when I pressed him on it, he admitted, "She's a little bossy, especially with the boys, but they need that, and I think they respect her for it."  Every teacher said she was respectful and well-adjusted.  She is thriving, and I'm very proud of her!

Here's her first quarter report card:
 As for Noah, he finished his driver's ed class at the high school with a 97, and the teacher gave him a pass so he won't have to take the driving test when he gets his license.

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