Thursday, December 6, 2018


Sadly, I had to teach my children the requirements for becoming President of the United States:
1. 35 years old
2. legal resident for 14 years
3. born in the United States
They have no aspirations of becoming the President, but I'm sure it makes them feel even more like outsiders when they find out they're not qualified because they weren't born here.  They became legal U.S. citizens when they were babies, so they should have every right to run for President if they want to.  That's why Noah made a sad face on his test.
In Civics class, I taught him that any citizen can propose change, so to demonstrate that, I wrote to our State Representative, asking him to do what he can to change this outdated requirement.  He wrote back and thanked me for my feedback. 

Since I'm about the have the Constitution amended, it should be much easier to accomplish my next project: getting the speed limit raised on Idlewood Street.  We take this street from end to end, all the way across town, almost every day.  It's a long, straight road with sidewalks on the both sides and only one stop sign.  The average person would drive at least 40 miles per hour just naturally, but the speed limit is 30.  Mike and I have both gotten tickets on this road, and we have to set our cruise control to crawl along at 30.  Here's Mike's latest warning:

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