Friday, May 21, 2021

Track and chiggers and pervs,...oh my!

We went to Sarah's track meet tonight and watched her do the high jump, 4x100 relay and 200 dash. I'm a little in awe of people who do those kinds of things for fun.

My mom came too. I haven't seen her in way too long.  I love her.

I noticed Mike and I were standing in a huge herd of chiggers, so we moved.  Long after we moved, I could still feel them crawling on me and biting me.  I told Mike I wasn't sure it was actual bugs or if my mind was playing tricks on me with ghost chiggers.  He said, "Ghost chiggers....that would make a good username."  He said he could tell by the look in their eyes that they wanted to bite him.  I said you can tell a lot by looking into the eyes of a chigger, and he said we should put that on a t-shirt.

When we got home, Sarah and Shiloh and I were sitting in the living room and this happened:

Me: Do you want me to groom you?
Sarah: Me?
Me: No, Sarah. I was talking to the cat, unless your winter fur needs brushed?
Sarah: I thought you meant a different kind of grooming.
Me: What kind?
Sarah: Like what child molesters do.
Me: What???? I don't even know what you're talking about, but I'm not a child molester.
Sarah: Grooming is when they try to get close to you to get you to...
Me: I don't wanna know. Don't ruin grooming for me.
Sarah: You should educate yourself.
Me: I'm impervious to your pervy words. I'm going to brush Shiloh now.

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