We have been visiting a mother and father goose as they watch over their six eggs. We go every day, so they're used to us and seem to trust us. One day the mother stood up, as if proudly showing us her eggs. She sits on the nest in all kinds of weather. No matter what time of the day or night we visited, we never saw her off the nest. The father was always nearby, standing guard.
Today the eggs hatched, and what excitement it was for us to see six adorable yellow goslings! The mother has moved off the nest now, but she is still protecting her newborns. The first time we went to see them today, the babies were all out exploring, with the parents watching closely. The next time we came back, it was very windy, and all but one of the babies were under the mother's wing.
There are several references in the Psalms about taking shelter under God's wing. I had always pictured outstretched wings far above us and didn't think that would provide much shelter. Now I have a new picture of Psalm 91:1-2..."He will shelter you with his wings; you will find safety under his wings. His faithfulness is like a shield or a protective wall." The mother goose had arranged her wing so that it was like a strong, cozy house around her babies. They were warm against her body, and her wing completely surrounded them and protected them from the wind.
There was room under her wing for all her babies, but one of them chose to be independent. He stood up once, and the wind knocked him over. Still he didn't seek the shelter of his mother's wing. It reminded me of me. Why do I struggle and do things my own way, when I could be safe and secure under my Father's wing?
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