Friday, July 27, 2018

Me? Really?

About a year ago, I bought a Beth Moore Bible study book at a garage sale, because I love Beth Moore.  A couple weeks ago, I finally cracked it open and started doing the study.  It has been really, really good.  This morning I thought I sensed the Lord telling me to lead the women of my church in this study.  Right away I started in with the excuses: "But you know I'm not a leader, and I don't have time anyway.  I'm teaching five high school classes and hauling Sarah where she needs to be and volunteering at The Share Closet, and I'm a youth group leader..." But I was still sensing that God wanted me to do this. So finally I said, "OK, I'll mention it to the head of Women's Ministries, and if she's into it, I'll do it.  But if she hesitates at all, I'll consider myself off the hook."  I sent Sheila a message and said, "Do you need a Bible study leader for the fall, or do you have enough?"

Noah emerged from his bed at that point, so I left the computer and went to talk to him.  I was telling him about what happened and ended up confessing that I don't feel holy enough to lead a Bible study.  He said, "You'll never be holy enough. Nobody is.  It's like what you told me about being a parent: 'If you wait until conditions are perfect (enough money, time, patience, etc.), you'll never do it.' So just do it."  I said, "I know you're right, but these people know me, and they know I'm not qualified..." and he said, "They trust you to lead their kids at youth group, so why wouldn't they trust you to lead them too?' 

I went back to my computer and found a message from Sheila that said my message was an answer to prayer because she had been praying for God to open hearts and minds to be Bible study leaders and especially to use those who don't think they have what it takes.  

Well, that's it then.  Looks like I'm doing it.  If you want to get deep into the life of John (the disciple, not the baptist), join us this fall!

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