Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Human bird feeder

 Someone sent this to me yesterday:

I thought, "Yes! Why have I never done this before?" and decided to do it immediately.  As it turns out, all my years of education didn't prepare me for the task of making a face feeder, and in the end, I couldn't figure it out.
Then I realized that I don't have to make a face feeder; I can just hold a bowl of bird seed in my hands. So I did that. In the cold. For a long time.
While I was out there with no action whatsoever, I had a dejavu-ish feeling and I suddenly remembered that I have done this before.  Here I am almost 9 years ago in Colorado, holding a bird on my hand.
I'm going to do it again someday when the weather is warmer and I have hours to kill.

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