Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ten minutes of privacy

Whenever I take a shower, that becomes the exact moment that people think they need something from me.  They can be busily occupied elsewhere, but as soon as they hear the water running, they remember something that they must ask me for immediately:
"Mom, can we get out the fingerpaint?"
"Mom, what time is my game tonight?"
"Honey, what should the kids wear to church?"
"Mom, can we make cookies?"
"Mom, how do you spell 'eight' again?"
"Mom, where's Sarah?"

If it's not a question, then it's a crisis:
"Mom, Noah has a nosebleed, and he's bleeding all over the carpet!"
"Mom, the smoke alarm is going off!"
"Honey, did you know I have to usher at church today and we have to leave in 5 minutes?"
"Mom, there's a big man on the porch. Should we open the door?"
"Mom, Sarah just let the cat out!"

Even when the kids were babies, on those rare days that I managed to get in the shower, that's when they would start crying.  I have a theory that I should test sometime.  I think even if I got in the shower at 2:00 a.m., someone would come in and need something.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember those days.
I even had a little neighbor boy come in while I was sitting in the bathtub. He just told me his story, then I told him he should knock first. His reply was, "but you're just like my mom."

~ j

Anonymous said...

Is Noah playing bb this summer at C Center? If so, would love to catch a game... Susan