Sunday, May 30, 2010

Good belly laugh

I had a dream that I was in some kind of town hall meeting where politicians were campaigning for mayor of Morton (I think).  There was a big audience, all dressed in business suits.  The whole thing was very serious and stuffy.  After the speeches, someone told us to get a plastic bag from the back of the room and cast our vote.  I picked up my bag, and in it was a little pumpkin and baby pictures of each candidate.  I marked the picture of the candidate I wanted to vote for, and then we were instructed to cut open our pumpkins, scoop out the goop and seeds, put it all in a blender, and pour it back in the bag. 

I looked around at the well-dressed people getting pumpkin all over themselves, and I felt some laughter bubbling up inside me.  I managed to contain it, but then the blender started spewing mashed pumpkin all over the room, and everyone was covered in it, even the candidates for mayor.  I started to smirk, and then giggle, and then I went to the restroom and found it full of women dabbing at their suits with paper towels.  I said to no one in particular, "Well, that was weird!" and started laughing.  Nobody else thought it was funny, but I found it hilarious.  I laughed hysterically and couldn't stop. 

I laughed myself awake and realized I was still laughing (loudly) and tears were streaming down my face.  Once I finally realized I had just woken up from a dream, I glanced at the clock.  3:56 a.m.  The cat, who had been sleeping peacefully on my pillow, was now standing up and staring at me rather warily.  He's never heard me laugh so hard.  In my fuzzy, barely awake state, I kept on laughing.  Later in the light of day, I was telling my family about the dream, and it didn't seem funny at all. 

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