Saturday, May 14, 2011

A bird in the hand

Jason caught this baby sparrow and was in the process of murdering it when I grabbed it and brought it inside.  It wasn't bleeding, but it just sat in my hand, breathing really fast and looking terrified.  I held it close and talked to it while I was trying to figure out what to do with it.  I didn't think it was old enough to fly, so I built it a nest and decided to go out and look for a worm to feed it.  It was perfectly content in my hand, but when I went to transfer it to the nest, it freaked out and started flying around the room and chirping wildly.  It took me awhile to catch it, and then I took it outside.  I was standing there holding it, looking for a nest or a distraught mother sparrow, when it suddenly stood up in my hand, started flapping its wings, and took off flying across the yard.

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