Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Transitioning roles

What does a mom of teenagers actually do?  I don't have diapers to change, formula to mix, or toddlers to get dressed and supervise anymore. I don't have elementary school kids to teach anymore, or middle school kids to chauffeur.  This phase of parenting is not physically demanding.  The kids aren't even home today, but I still spent the entire morning parenting.  How can that be? 

Now my role is more secretarial.  I arranged inspections for Noah's new house (yes, Noah has a contract on a house in Mackinaw after the one he wanted in Morton went into foreclosure) and coordinated an appointment for him to get his allergy shots during his lunch hour tomorrow, which required texting with Noah and calling the doctor's office. I answered an email from Sarah (congratulating her on getting 2nd place for her tower design in Physics), then got an email from the school about fees that need to be paid, went to the website and paid them. 

I swept the floor, because Noah tracked in a bunch of grass and Sarah had candy wrappers and dry spaghetti noodles on the floor.  I folded laundry and took out garbage, which they're supposed to do, but they are both very busy with work and school and other activities, and I only have 9 Census cases to close today.  Soon I'll be making food for them to eat when they arrive home ravenous, which they always do.  

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