Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Breaking through?

I was concerned for days before Wednesday night worship time because the worship leader (Marcy) hadn't given me any songs and hadn't practiced with me.  She likes to just go with the flow and see what happens, but I need time to prepare and practice.  She told me I'm going to have to be spontaneous if I'm going to be a worship leader.  I'm spontaneous in lots of areas of my life, but not in this one where I lack confidence and experience.  I want to glorify God and bring people into His presence to the best of my ability, and if I can't do it well, then I'd rather not do it at all.  

Wednesday night arrived, and I still had no idea what songs we were doing.  Marcy told me she would come at 6:15 and practice with me, but it was 6:45 by the time she got there, and I had worked myself into a froth.  I was frustrated, stressed, and  in no mood to worship.  When Marcy walked in, I had a little  temper tantrum.  She was perfectly calm and told me she had a gift for me.  She gave me this beautiful, meaningful, thoughtful bracelet.  

It says "you're strong" in Morse code.  She put it on me, and my whole attitude shifted.  I was full of love for her and for God and felt worship rising up in my heart, even though I was still a little worried because we hadn't practiced and had no plan.  But as I sat down at the piano and felt that bracelet tapping on the keys, I could hear it in my mind tapping out the message "you're strong" and I felt strong, and we did it.  

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