Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The dreaded question

People are always asking my kids, "So...what have you been learning in school lately?" It makes me cringe, because I know what's coming next. Sarah's eyes glaze over in a blank stare; Noah looks down at the ground; and one or both of them will mumble something akin to, "Duh...I dunno...nothin'." Then the questioner will look at me like I'm a pitiful loser, and my brain will start scrambling to come up with an answer. What HAVE they been learning? What DO we do all day?

We read a lot, take walks, play games, talk all the time, cook, play a lot, visit people, watch TV, gather Cheerios into little groups, color, clean, go to the library, dance, garden, cut paper into little bits, make various structures out of our couch, tell senseless knock-knock jokes, paint, pray, go to the grocery store, bicker, do puzzles, make up mad-libs, hammer nails into wood scraps, write stories and poems, wrestle around on the floor, play Wii, fold laundry, ride bikes, sew buttons onto fabric scraps, build things with Legos, and a hundred other things. We're always working on building character, loving, serving, and getting along with people. How do I put all that into a cogent response to the dreaded question?

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I think you already answered the question when you said....."We're always working on building character, loving, serving, and getting along with people" Just have to get the kids to say it! :-)