Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hi, Jean!

Today I subjected Noah to a thorough scrubbing.  He has clearly not been doing a good job keeping himself clean, so I had to get rough on him. His ears were caked with dirt and wax; his belly button had a layer of grime in it; his hair stunk; and his fingernails and toenails were too long.  I threw him in the tub and put earwax removal drops in his ears and gave them a scrubbing and scraping. Then I scrubbed out his belly button and dug into his hair.  While he was complaining about all that, I told him the way to avoid it is to have good hygiene.  He said, "Who's Jean?"  I explained that hygiene is all that stuff he hates...haircuts, nail trimming, teeth flossing, showering, etc.   He said, "Oh.  Well then I don't want to say hi to Jean.  I'd rather say bye!"

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