Friday, February 4, 2011


Sarah came into the kitchen and got a bowl of carrots and some fruit.  She said, "This is a snack for Noah.  He decided to be a vegetarian today."  I always knew this day was coming....

When Noah was two, we told him that ham comes from pigs.  We didn't give him the graphic details, so he came up with his own explanation.  He thought pigs pooped the ham out.  He thought pigs pooped little strips of bacon too.  We let him believe that for awhile.  

I still remember the day when the lightbulb went on for him.  We were reading Laura Ingalls’ Little House in the Big Woods to him.  In the book, Pa shot two deer and hung them in the trees outside their house so the wolves wouldn’t get the meat.  Noah looked confused and asked, “So did the deer protect the meat from the wolves?”   Mike said, “The deer WAS the meat” and then we had to have the whole discussion about where the meat we buy in the grocery store really originates. He was three years old.  As I watched his face go from horrified to teary, I thought, "This kid is going to be a vegetarian."

Back to the present...
He was a vegetarian all day, but when I made bacon-wrapped chicken for dinner, it got the best of his vegetarian convictions. 


dave said...

It's kinda sad to watch little pieces of their childhood innocence disappearing. However your cooking could definitely turn a vegetarian into a meat lover.

Jen's could turn meat lover into a vegetarian!

Janes Family said...

But I would have to disagree about Jen. I've had her sloppy joes and tacos. Yum!