Monday, September 26, 2011

The sacrificial altar

There's a rug in our garage where Jason leaves all his sacrifices.  We call it the altar.  I've seen him carry his prey from far away, just to lay it at the altar and eat it.  I'm not sure if he does it so we'll notice and be proud of his hunting prowess, or if he just feels safer eating there, but it makes a nasty mess.  The rug is often covered in feathers, fur, blood, and various body parts.  He's left all kinds of animals at the altar: bunnies, birds of all kinds, cicadas, frogs, toads, chipmunks, etc.  One morning last week, I was up early and it was still dark in the garage.  I glanced out there as I went by and saw a strange hump on the altar.  I thought, "What has the cat killed this time???"  Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Sarah's socks, which she leaves everywhere.  By the time I took this picture, it was light out, so imagine it in the shadows:

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