Wednesday, May 23, 2018

One foot out of the nest

Yesterday, Noah and I wasted over an hour at the DMV in Pekin, and he walked out with a driver's license. 
His inaugural solo trip was to the gas station last night. I was with Sarah at gymnastics, so I missed it, which is probably for the best.

Today he made his second solo trip.  He went to the same gas station (it's one of the few places he knows how to get to) to get gas for the mower.  Before he left, I made him sign a contract stating that he wouldn't speed or use his phone while driving, among other things.  I also made him endure a long prayer of protection over him and another one blessing the vehicle.  Then I let him go.  I kept myself busy with cooking while he was gone. 

After mowing, math, and lunch, he had to go to his volunteer job at the library.  It's the kickoff party for the summer reading program, so he was helping with games.  Sarah walked to the library after school, because she was needed at the face painting table.  So I was home alone and not sure what to do with myself.  I vacuumed.  Then I groomed the cats.  Then I decided to ride my bike to the library to visit the kids. 

Sarah was happily painting faces, and Noah was helping with a game that involved a lot of bending over and picking things up in the hot sun.  He was happy to see me, because I gave him an excuse to leave.  He offered to load my bike in the van and drive us home.  Sarah was having fun and not ready to go, so we'll go back and pick her up on the way to youth group tonight. 

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