Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Hiking and banding

It was a beautiful day yesterday.  Pimiteoui Trail was calling to me, as she does every fall.  It always seems like a good idea to hike it, until I'm actually doing it and then I remember that I hate that trail.  This year was especially difficult because I'm older, fatter, and out of shaper.  But I was rewarded with the sight of three lovely deer.

There was nobody else on the trail, so I got to watch them for a long time.  I sat down by a tree and didn't make a move or a sound, and they got pretty close to me.  The trail was covered in leaves, which made it slippery, and I fell like an old person.  Landed on my right arm, of course, as I always do (the one I broke 5 years ago).  It hurt, but not too bad. 

I met my mom at the top of the trail, and we walked around Grandview Drive.  We lay under a beautiful tree and watched the leaves fall. 

She always wants to walk the hills, and I told her I wasn't doing any more hills after just doing that trail, but somehow it didn't feel right to wus out and let my 75-year-old mom do it herself.  By the end of the day, I had logged over 13,000 steps on my pedometer.
That night was Sarah's last marching band performance of the season. It was such a sad season.  The poor kids worked hard and had a great performance, and I cried for what should have been.

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