Friday, October 30, 2020

vacation bungalow

Noah hasn't moved into his house yet, so it kind of feels like a vacation bungalow that we go visit and then come back home.  It's nice for him to be able to transition gradually, like a fledgling bird.  His first non-family visitors came over last night.

Noah borrowed his boss's shop vac and swept his bedroom floor, which was the filthiest floor I've ever seen.  That room is already looking so much better, and will be really great with new paint and carpet.
I bought the paint and some other supplies and went to the vacation bungalow to make dinner for the men when they came over after work.  Mike did part two of the fireplace assembly.  It's beautiful and puts out nice heat.  Tomorrow he will put the doors on and it will be finished.  He also set up the TV.  
One of the curbside treasures I found was a mini blind, brand new in its box.  I had no idea if it would fit any of his windows, but I picked it up just in case.  Last night I discovered that it perfectly fits one of his bedroom windows.  I installed it, and it made me unreasonably happy. Lots more windows to cover, but at least this one is done, and it was free!
Mike and I left, and Noah stayed with his friends for awhile.  Then they left and he was alone in his house for the first time.  It was too quiet for him.  He came back to our house around 10:30 p.m.

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