Sunday, January 11, 2009

Korean Americans

Sarah was in the tub playing with shaving cream. She mixed some shaving cream with water in a cup and said, "This is how Koreans make milk." Then she put the cup on her head and said, "This is how Africans carry Korean milk." She was pretending she was pregnant. She rubbed her stomach and said, "My baby is still in my tomb, but it's coming soon." I explained to her the difference between a tomb and a womb, but I don't think she was listening, because she went right back to talking about Koreans. She said, "I'm Korean because I'm brown. You're American because you're white." I told her that she's Korean because she was born in Korea to Korean birthparents and that she will always be one hundred percent Korean. I told her that she's also one hundred percent American, because when we adopted her she became a legal citizen of America. I told her that she's Korean-American. She went to find Noah and told him excitedly, "Noah, we're Korean-Americans!" I'm sure heritage and adoption issues will get more difficult as they get older, but for now, she's thrilled to be a Korean American.

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