Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Sarah is very sick today. She didn't eat all day, just laid around in misery and slept a lot. She's been alive for almost 5 years, and this is the first time she's ever puked. It was a good one though, because somehow she puked on her hair and I had to give her a shower. She had a fever and the shakes, and she cried all through the shower. She fell asleep on the bathroom floor after I got her dried and dressed. Noah covered her with his special fleece blanket that he named Brownie. He said she could keep it until she was well again, and then we'd have to wash it. As he was making her a get-well card (and carefully choosing her favorite colors), he said, "I hope she will enjoy this." I told him that she might not appear to enjoy it because she's so miserable, but I was sure that she would appreciate it deep inside. He said, "Sometimes I do that too. If somebody does something for me, I might not think to thank them right away, but later when I think about how nice it was, then I say thank you." I told him he's like the tenth leper in Luke 17, when Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one comes back to thank Him. Noah said, "And Sarah is like the fourth leper."

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