Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Covert operations

Noah and I walked down the street early this morning to a garage sale, and I bought him a couple Lego sets.  Later this afternoon, he told me he was going back to the sale to see if they had any Lego sets left.  I was impressed with his unusual bravery, but then he explained that he was just going to ride his bike down the street and casually glance over to check.  That sounded more like my shy boy. 

A few minutes later, he returned to report that the mission was unsuccessful.  He got his binoculars, hung them around his neck, and took off on his bike again.  I went back to weeding the garden.

Minutes later, he was back.  Still no luck.  I said, "Wouldn't it be easier to just walk up to her and ask if she has any Lego sets left?  Or just walk into the garage and look for yourself?"  He answered that it would be a lot easier but not much fun.  Then he sent Sarah down the street with the binoculars. I could hear her from my spot in the garden, yelling, "Hey! My brother wants to know if you have any Legos left!"

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