Friday, July 30, 2010


I bought Sarah some beautiful princess pull-ups to wear at night.  I told her that they were so pretty that I was sure she wouldn't want to ruin the princesses by peeing on them.  She rolled her eyes and said, "That's not going to motivate me, Mom."  I told her that if she's old enough to use a word like "motivate" in proper context, she's old enough to use the potty. 


Unknown said...

Memories I remember when one of our girls Heidi was struggling with staying dry at night. We bought her pull-ups when they first came out they had little flowers. One night I was getting the girls ready for bed and I said Heidi these are too nice to pee in. Maybe you should get up and go to the bathroom. She said I would like to get up and go but I don't wake up. I try to wake up but I cant wake before I'm done peeing. Heidi struggled with but eventually she became dry at night, they always do sooner or later.

Janes Family said...

Raising five girls is quite an accomplishment! My Sarah is now 10 and staying dry every night, thank God!

Unknown said...

you're lucky Heidi was extremely difficult in that area. Plus we had to listen to her brag about how her kids were dry at night at two.