Sunday, October 11, 2015

Cutting out the middle fairy

Sarah has been begging for a gym bag from Justice for months.  She needs a bag for gymnastics competitions, and she doesn't want to use the dusty old ugly one I offered her.  Several weeks ago I found a Justice one at a garage sale, so I snapped it up and waited for an opportunity to give it to her.  She has had a loose molar for a long time, and she told me a few days ago to alert the tooth fairy.  I told her that the fairy was ready and had something good for her this time.  Yesterday, I took her to the mall to do some underwear shopping, and she went to Justice and took up her bag-begging again with renewed fervor.  Finally I told her, "I have the gym bag thing under control."   Tonight, a light bulb went on, and she exclaimed, "I know what the fairy is bringing me!"  Then she started prying and yanking on that big molar with great determination. 
She said, "I'm not going to put it under my pillow because it gets lost and it's a pain.  I'm just going to give it to you."  So I said, "Ok, then I'm going to cut out the middle man and just give you your present myself."

She loves it.

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