Thursday, March 24, 2016

Letting go

Mike's sister wants the kids to come and visit her in Texas.  I checked flight prices and told Mike how much it was going to cost, and we decided we couldn't do it.  But I've been watching for cheap flights, and a great deal came up, and after talking with Mike and clearing the dates with his sister, I bought the tickets.  Right after I did it, we had to leave for Kuk Sool.  I cried all the way there.  How can I put them on a flight by themselves?

I had a flashback to when I was 16.  My brother had left home, and my parents wanted me to go with them to Colorado.  I was too cool to go on a family vacation with my icky parents, because I was a teenager.  And I hated roadtrips, even back then (still do).  We compromised and they let me fly by myself while they drove.  My aunt worked for the airline so I could fly for almost nothing.  I remember getting ready to board the plane in Denver, and my mom was crying.  I couldn't understand why on earth she was so emotional, because I was going to see them in two days when they got home.  I get it now.  She was putting her baby on an airplane alone for the first time, and that's really hard.

So I told my kids that story, and I said, "Someday you're going to put your baby on a plane without you, and you'll understand."  Sarah said, "I'm not going to cry when I do it. I won't be an emotional mom."  Noah said, "Yeah, her tear ducts dried up years ago."

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