Monday, April 5, 2010

Piano lessons

I decided to start teaching piano lessons for my kids. Today we went to a good music store so I could look at beginning piano books and talk to the professionals.  I finally decided on a book, bought it, and started planning my lessons.  I was going to start tomorrow, but Noah asked if he could have a quick lesson before dinner.

My first lesson was how to sit at the piano, proper position of the hands, arms, etc.  Then we had a dinner break. After that, Noah wanted another lesson, so I taught him the number that goes with each finger, traced his hands and had him number the fingers, and played a round of "Can you wiggle the right finger as I call out the number?" Sarah was vaguely interested in the finger numbering game, but she wandered away soon after that.  I didn't really think she was ready for lessons yet, so anything she picks up will just be a bonus.

Noah wanted another lesson, so I gave a general overview of the keys, and had him strike various keys to hear the different sounds.  He was an eager learner and kept begging for more, to my delight. So we got into quarter notes, half notes, and whole notes.  He clapped out some rhythms, then worked on some fingering exercises.

I thought that was enough for the first day, but he really wanted to learn a song, so he learned "Mary Had a Little Lamb".  When he had learned the first half very well, I played the teacher's part so we made a duet, and he loved it. I loved it too.  It was richly satisfying to make music with my own son and to see how proud he was of himself.  What a privilege it is to teach him!

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