Saturday, April 10, 2010

Worker bees and house cats

It was supposed to be a big work day, clearing out the yard from last year's growth.  Mike was picking up sticks, and Noah and I were pulling old morning glory vines off the trellis.  Sarah was jumping on the trampoline.  She said, "Daddy, will you play with me, pleeeeeaaaase?"  Mike looked around at all the work to be done, looked over at Sarah, and jumped onto the trampoline with her.  Noah and I continued our work in silence, but after a few minutes he said, "You and I are worker bees, Mom."  He jerked his thumb in the direction of the trampoline, where Mike and Sarah were lying on their backs looking at clouds, and he said conspiratorially , "Those two are house cats."  I told him that Daddy was actually a worker bee with his priorities in the right place, so he only looked like a house cat.  He knows that his little kitten will only want to be with him for a few short years, and then he'll have the rest of his life to buzz around and make honey.
 The trellis before the worker bees cleaned it up...

...and after.

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