Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where's the maid?

Sarah wanted to play Olympic gymnastics, and Noah wanted to play major league baseball.  They worked it out by deciding that Sarah would be Dominique Mocieanu (a gymnast), and Noah would be her brother, Carlos Marmol (a Cubs pitcher).  They lived together in a big apartment (the living room), and Dominique would practice her gymnastics while Marmol was pitching.  They had an empty bottle of vanilla extract which they filled with rice crispies.  They said those were their pills, and they were beer-flavored but didn't make them drunk.  Of course, they were obscenely rich and traveled in limousines and had chauffeurs, personal trainers, and chefs. 

I hated to interrupt their play, since they were actually getting along well, but Marmol had left a mess under the kitchen table when he ate, so I called him in to sweep it up.  He did it, but as he was sweeping, I heard him grumble something about why did the maid have to call in sick today. 

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