Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Short, fluffy vacation

Last night I dropped the kids off at Kuk Sool Won and headed for Aldi.  (Aside:  I got gas for $2.99!).  On the way, I had a sudden impulse to go to that gigantic furniture store that takes up a whole city block.  I was looking at all that cushy furniture, and the car just strangely turned in there and parked. So I went in and started flopping on the couches.  I went upstairs to the massive chair section.  I had just sunk into a billowy recliner when the lights went out. 

I fumbled downstairs in the dark and found the doors locked.  I started to panic, but then I realized that this could be a wonderful vacation!  I'd get a great night's sleep on my choice of comfortable beds, and no one would talk to me!  I only wished I'd brought a book or that the place sold TVs.  Then I remembered that the kids' class ended in less than an hour, and nobody would be there to pick them up.  They thought I was making a quick Aldi trip and would have no idea that I was trapped in the furniture store.  Oh well.  Eventually someone would call Mike, and he would go get them.

An employee was very startled to discover me, promptly shooed me out, and brought my vacation to an abrupt halt.  When I finally got to Aldi, the checkout girl said, "Oh, you got a haircut!"  I didn't even know that she knew I existed!  I wonder if she knows my name?

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