Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sometimes this is how school goes...

I'm not a big fan of textbooks, because they're boring, and my kids don't learn well when they're bored.  We do use some sometimes, but I prefer to just live and learn whenever we can.  This morning before church, we learned some forensic science, Latin, history, and Shakespeare.  It all started when the cat tried to kill me...

I was lying in bed, and there was a very heavy insulated stainless steel bottle on the shelf above my head.  Shadow reached his furry little paw out and knocked it over.  My catlike reflexes shot my hand out to block it at the last second, thus saving my life. I told the kids that if that thing had hit me at the right spot on the head, it might have killed me, and since there were no witnesses, Daddy probably would have gone to jail for the rest of his life.  Mike wondered if the forensic scientists could lift Shadow's pawprint off the bottle, which led to a little discussion about forensics. 

A few minutes later, Shadow's sister Shiloh almost knocked the bottle onto my head.  I frowned at her and said, "Et tu, Brute?" Noah asked why I called her that, so I told him it was a Latin line from Julius Caesar, made famous by Shakespeare.  He had more questions about Brutus and Caesar, so we read about the conspiracy against Caesar in 44 B.C.  We're now referring to Shiloh as "Brutus", and I think Noah won't soon forget the history he learned.

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