Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Back to reality

Noah and I are readjusting to being together all the time again after a week of not being together at all.  He said, "I'm going to my room for awhile.  I got used to not having people around last week, and I'm still a little feral."

When we got home, the house looked clean, but when Mike opened the dishwasher, he discovered just about every dish we own was stuffed in there in dirty piles and layers.  He took out half of them, and we ran them in two loads.  I was talking to Noah about that today, and I asked him if they even ran the dishwasher one time all week, and he said, "I was going to, but I couldn't get the door closed."

He was asking me how adults know how to do everything, like apply for credit cards and get a mortgage.  I said we would help him and that he would learn through trial and lots of errors, like we all do.  He said, "Here's another example.  Yesterday, Dad noticed that the vent in the kitchen was closed, and he got down there and unstuck it and opened it.  At what point do you start noticing things like that?  The only time I ever pay any attention to the vent is when I'm playing with it, flipping it open and closed for fun."  I told him that he's still in that in-between age, not quite an adult, not quite a kid, and that someday he too will be noticing registers like an adult. :) 

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