Wednesday, July 29, 2020

COVID study

Yesterday I had my first appointment for the COVID vaccine study.  It was so crowded in the lobby area that it was impossible to distance from everyone else.  They were conducting screenings and labs in the conference room and hallways.  It seemed like a chaotic, disorganized mess.  I had several tubes of blood taken (negative for COVID antibodies, which means I've never had it), a urine sample (not pregnant), and a COVID test to determine if I currently have it (results come in tomorrow).  That last one was very unpleasant.  They poked a little bristly thing so far up my nose that I could feel it scraping my brain.  Just when I thought the torture was over, the nurse said, "When you're ready, we'll do the other nostril."   That one was even worse, because I knew it was coming. They told me it would take an hour, but it was over an hour and a half, which made me late for my fingerprinting appointment for my census job.
They had a hard time getting my fingerprints and told me that sometimes fingerprints get worn down as we get older.  I'm not THAT old, and I remember they couldn't get my fingerprints 18 years ago for Sarah's adoption paperwork.  That was way back when they were still using ink.  I had no trouble getting fingerprints for Noah's adoption a couple years before that, so I tell Noah that I worked my fingers to the bone taking care of him.

Speaking of Noah, he went to Kuk Sool last night and will be testing for his second degree black belt on Sunday with Randi, on his right in this picture. 

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