Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Lesson learned?

I've been waiting for a cooler day to get groceries, but there just aren't any, so today was the day.  When I pulled into the lot at Aldi, my goal was to park in a shady spot, no matter how far from the door it was.  I was pretty happy when I came across a fully-shaded spot, but as I was getting out, I realized I had parked in a tree, and the limbs were smacking me in the face.  I fought them off as I got out, and held them back with my legs while I locked and shut the car.  Mission accomplished.  Yay, me.
When I returned with my groceries, I thought this:
was going to be my biggest problem, but it turned out not to be.  I felt around in my pockets for my keys and had an all-too-familiar sinking feeling.  I said right out loud, "Oh no, not today."  I peered in the window, and yep, there were my keys inside the 150 degree car.  I called the cops.  They said they would send someone and that I should wait by the car.  My cold groceries disagreed, so I took them back inside and parked them in a hidden corner of a freezer.  The rest of the groceries and I went back outside to bake by the car.

When the officer arrived he was not as happy as I was that I had parked in a tree.  He pried the door open, and I retrieved the rest of my groceries and bent myself in half and twisted myself backwards so I could load the cooler in my trunk, which was being blocked by the huge vehicle in the parking space behind me.

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