Thursday, July 30, 2020


I spent 3 1/2 hours at the study place.  It was a disorganized, unprofessional, chaotic mess like last time.  They took 14 (!) vials of blood, gave me a bag full of stuff that I probably won't ever use (PPE, supplies to test myself, a cooler to haul the sample in, and even a full-body protective suit), because I only use it if I get COVID.  Then I had training about how to fill out the daily paperwork, and they scheduled my next 7 appointments.  The vaccine itself was surprisingly painful. 

The guy who was drawing my blood was making small talk with me to distract me from all the blood leaving my body, and somehow it came up that my daughter is gorgeous.  He said, "Beautiful people have a much easier path in life than people like you and I."  I felt like a hideous troll.

Meanwhile, Noah's boss backed into his truck, so they are at a body shop now, hopefully getting it fixed.  He got a letter from the steamfitters union, telling him that he passed his aptitude test and is qualified to proceed to the interview portion of their program selection process.

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