Saturday, June 4, 2022
Nothing says I'm on vacation like waking up at 5:00 a.m. on a Saturday. We didn't need to, just did. The shower controls are on the opposite wall from the shower head. Brilliant. Why are they not all like that? Good shower, decent breakfast, no lotion. When I realized that, I said dyslexically to Mike, "What kind of a lotion doesn't give you a hotel?" I had both hotel keys in my pocket, which prompted me to call myself a key hog, which reminded me of a quahog, so I looked it up and taught Mike about it.
Today's plan was to drive an hour and a half to a noon ferry, ride the ferry for 3 hours to San Juan Island, and take a whale watching tour at 5:30. We were ready, so we left early. I like it when there's extra time, because then when I want to stop for every little thing that captures my imagination, Mike is more likely to humor me. The first thing was a big slice of Douglas fir. How can you not stop and look at that?
Then I spotted this:
Do you see it? That thing in the middle that looks like a tree-covered hill? But it's shaped like a boat. As we whizzed by, I said, "I think that's a boat! We have to go see." Mike was not interested and kept driving. Then I saw a roadside park and wanted to stop at that. He said he would stop for that, and I went back to begging for my boat, so he indulged me. It turned out to be very interesting. It was a really old wooden boat that has been reclaimed by nature.
Between the boat and the roadside park was someone's house with a gorgeous tree in the front yard. I really, really wanted to lie down under it and look up at it. Mike was not a fan of this idea, but he graciously humored me and even took a picture.
The roadside park had some steps that led to a nice trail by the water.
It was wonderful and rainforesty, and I loved every minute of it, and the best part was that my hip that had been aching like an elderly person for a couple weeks was miraculously healed on the way down those steps!
Finally we arrived at the ferry dock, still early, so we did some wandering around. I took some pictures there with my good camera, but I can't load them on here from the hotel computer. I found some treasures on the rocky beach, including this crab.

Finally boarded the ferry, which was cool.
Snacked on vegetables and nuts, and I watched these two little girls meet and listened to their adorable chat. After much 4-year-old small talk, one of them started dancing in the sunny spot, and the other one pouted, "I wanted to dance in the sunny spot." The first one said, "We can both dance together!" which they proceeded to do. It was so pure and beautifully innocent that I may have cried a little.
We drove off the ferry at San Juan Island and found our hotel, the Earth Box Inn and Spa. These beauties are everywhere:
We wandered around and found the pool and these comfy wide chairs.
Tonight is our whale watching cruise. It was supposed to be raining all day, but I prayed it away and it's been a perfectly beautiful day.
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