Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I was standing at the stove, stirring tapioca pudding and feeling discouraged.  I picked up the Homeschool Enrichment magazine on the counter next to me and asked God to use it to give me some encouragement.  The first thing I read was an article from the editors, talking about how there are seasons of homeschooling, just as there are seasons in nature. 

The author must have been peeking in my window when she wrote this:  "When homeschooling is difficult, God's mercies are new every morning.  When concepts aren't clicking, relationships are strained, and the character we're trying to develop in our children seems in short supply, God's compassions are fresh with the dawning of another day."  It's definitely been winter lately in this homeschool, but I'm thankful that God used that article to give me just the encouragement I needed to make it till spring.

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