Sunday, July 24, 2011

Epic failure

Last week, it was unbearably hot.  People always say you could fry an egg on the sidewalk when it's really hot.  I wanted to test the theory, but instead of frying an egg, I wanted to make dinner on the driveway.  I was planning to make pizza bread, and it was too hot to turn on the oven. So I put a piece of foil on the driveway in the direct sun and covered it with a glass pan.  I let the "oven" preheat for half an hour.
Then I put the pizza bread in the oven.  Twenty minutes later, the cheese wasn't even melted.  I don't think frying an egg on the sidewalk is really a possibility.  I brought the pizza breads inside and microwaved them.  I left the glass pan on the driveway and forgot about it, until Mike was backing out of the garage and we all heard a terrible shattering sound.  Glass went in the grass, into the street, and all over the driveway.  Eating soggy microwave pizza bread and cleaning up glass shards in the heat was not how this fun experiment was supposed to end.


Anonymous said...

I think your foil may have reflected the heat, or is that refracted. We're trying to recall science from the 1950's here. I think directly on the concrete may have worked. It was awfully hot, I do know that! I love your adventures as a family.

dave said...

I wonder if you could put plastic wrap over it to trap the solar heat in a bubble. Neat experiment even with the destruction.

Janes Family said...

I thought the foil would reflect the heat and the glass would keep the heat in, but it didn't work. Putting the food directly on the concrete was a little too gross for me. Maybe next time, we'll just sacrifice an egg just to see if it works but not eat it.

Lauren said...

One of my dad's work friends put a cookie sheet with cookies on the roof of his car in the AM and by the time he left work he had ready to eat cookies.... :) It does work, it just takes awhile! We kids tried the egg thing a few years ago and it just took a really long time.