Sunday, October 23, 2011

Soul Surfer

Sarah and I watched "Soul Surfer" yesterday.  Good movie, great story, but why couldn't they put some clothes on?  Everyone was wearing bikinis, even the mom.  During one scene, the teens were shopping for swimsuits, and one of them held up a one-piece suit and asked the other one what she thought about it.  She replied, "It's cute...if you're like a hundred years old!"  If you judge my age by my swimwear, I'd be about two millions years old. 

I used it as an opportunity to talk about modesty with Sarah.  I said, "When women dress like that, it makes men think about doing sinful things."  Her eyes got big, and she said, "Like the men would want to kill them?"  She's so innocent.  I hated to ruin it.  I just said, "No, not kill them, but do things with them that they should only do with their wives." 


Anonymous said...

Do you hear the applause?
It's me over here clapping, jumping up and down and smiling. More mothers need to be concerned about modesty. What's with the low cut necklines and skirts?shorts up to there? I may be an old fuddy duddy, but I appreciate girls/women who are modest. And manners ... don't get me started.
You are a great family and you're doing a great job! (more applause)
(have I mentioned that I love your blog?) :-)

Janes Family said...

Thanks, j. I appreciate you, my soul sister! Now sit down and stop clapping, because although I'm trying, I fail a lot, every day. Thank you for your encouragement!

Jamie Schroderus said...

I agree that we need to teach our girls (and boys even) a better approach to looking nice. My lastest issue is a double edge sword for me. I see a lot of younger women who are not anorexic thin and I am so happy to see that they are confident and strong in their body without pressure of magazines and such...however, the clothes that they are stretching over those bodies do nothing to complement them. There are clothes in all sizes that can look sporty, pretty, professional and even (if the reason is needed) sexy...but wear what fits and looks good. Seems like the pendulum has to swing from one extreme to the next. And boys... there should never be a reason to wear shirts that look like the scissors won in a wrestling match and your waist is always going to be about 6 inches higher than you are attempting... am I getting old?

Anonymous said...

POV The bikini beach wear is part of the surfing culture. It didn't bother me because it wasn't flirtatious or gratuitous; these were well toned, physically fit people. It is appropriate for where and how they live. Like Jamie, I have a problem with purposely ill-fitting clothing and tattered clothing in day to day life. I miss the days when clothing was not so important and much more classic. My daughters & I lament that "women's styles" change too often, too much, while men wear the same stuff as always. I am also bothered by purposely revealing clothing(underwear styles of clothes, or underwear lace showing, everything too tight)... the women wearing the stuff are not physically fit surfers on a beach- they have a different motive. Too often in the Midwest, the revealing clothing is also on top of artificially(whether surgical or padding) enhanced figures. I didn't see that in the movie.

Janes Family said...

I can appreciate that it's a surfing culture, and that's just what people wear when they live on a beautiful Hawaiian beach, BUT...I don't think it's ever appropriate to show that much skin. I don't disagree that they looked fantastic, but the issue is the effect that has on men.