Friday, November 4, 2011

One from the old days

Something in my blog reminded my blogger buddy of a similar story, and she posted it on hers.  Then as I was reading her blog (which I love), I was reminded of an old story I haven't told you, so here it is.

Back when I was single and living alone, I stopped at a shoe store after work one night.  I was still wearing my dress clothes (yes, I used to dress up back when I was a young professional). I hadn't been in the store more than a minute before someone approached me and asked me where the men's dress shoes were.

In the next aisle, a lady handed me a shoe and asked me if she could get that in a size seven. Just because I was wearing a dress, people assumed I worked there, even though I was browsing the shelves and trying on shoes just like any other customer.

Suddenly it occurred to me that I could have some fun with this situation.  I went to a different section, approached a lost-looking woman, and asked, "Can I help you find anything?"  She said, "Yes, I'm looking for a pair of blue flats. What aisle would they be in?" I said, "I have no idea. I don't work here!"  I laughed all the way home whenever I thought about it. I hope she thought it was funny too, but I doubt it.  

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