Sunday, August 30, 2020

Day 5, Glacier

 It took us five days, but we finally made it to our ultimate destination: Glacier National Park!  Worth the trip.  It is gloriously beautiful. But let us start at the beginning...

8:30 a.m. Leaving hotel.  I thought Montana, being so wide open and not densely populated, would be the least masky place we visited.  But no, it's been the maskiest.  Masks required everywhere.  Dug our hiking boots out of our suitcases this morning, because we plan on needing them this afternoon.  We're talking about why our hair is so flat and unattractive on this trip.  

9:30 a.m. GAS at Elliston Country Store in Elliston, Montana.  (I'm highlighting these so I can find them easily to calculate total gas cost at the end).  We actually drove past this one and turned around and came back, fearing this might be the last station before we hit Glacier National Park. 15.7 gal x $2.39/gal = $37.62.  Pretty drive, but they're big on casinos and saloons around here. No interstate driving today.  

11:00 a.m.  GAS at a Conoco at Seeley Lake, Montana (I think).  Had to top off because it's probably the last station before GNP.  2.7 gal at $2.39/gal = $6.53.  Very crowded in there.  Lots of traffic on the road too.  I had expected Montana to be more desolate.

12:45 p.m. GAS at Junction Gas, Columbia Falls, Montana. Had to stop, because surely this must be the last station before GNP.  3.9 gal x $2.29/gal = $8.62.  I made Mike pull over so I could take a picture of an eagle, but I couldn't zoom in far enough to get a good shot of it, so I just shot the whole beautiful scene. 

1:10 p.m. Entering GNP with a herd of other people.  

Visitor Center is closed due to COVID, so we just got our boots on the ground and started hiking.

We hiked the John's Lake Loop trail, about 2 miles and saw 2 waterfalls and gorgeous scenery.  Perfect hiking weather: no wind, no rain, not hot, not cold.

4:30 p.m. Arriving at the VRBO where we're staying for the next 3 nights.  It's fantastic!!  There's an outdoor hot tub with a fire bowl!

 We sat in the hot tub and watched the clouds float over the mountains.  We saw a hamster turn into a shark in the clouds.  Our place has a fireplace!  We're sitting here in front of it with the windows open to let in the cool, fresh, mountain air.  Absolutely wonderful.  We even saw a deer and these beautiful berries on the mountain ash trees.


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