Sunday, August 2, 2020

KSN Noah buying a house

Noah earned his second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won today during a test in which one guy puked and one girl cried.  He and Randi, his training partner for the last 8 years were rock solid. Their new title is Kyo Sa Nim. It wasn't the pomp and circumstance they would have received if it weren't for the pandemic, but it was better than testing alone in the basement via Zoom in front of his mom wearing elephant slippers, which is what we were afraid it was going to be.  Mike and I were the only ones allowed to attend in person, but others were able to watch the livestream.

When he got home from testing, he mowed through pretty much the entire refrigerator, and then signed the counteroffer documents on his house.  He finally heard back from the realtor that the seller accepted his offer, but the bank has 90 days to approve it.  It's a long, complicated process, because it's a short sale.  It's ironic that it's called "short".  It just means that the seller fell short on her payments and is trying to avoid foreclosure.

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