Monday, November 2, 2020

First gathering at the bungalow

I was planning to stay home today and get my own house in order, but Noah mentioned that the young adult group was meeting at his house tonight.  They're called BOB (Bunch of Believers), and they meet every Monday night.  It was mid-afternoon when he made that off-hand remark, so I kicked it into high gear.  I made pizza to leave for Mike and Sarah to bake, and took some to bake at Noah's.  His house was a mess, because we've been in and out every day working on it.  There were tools and empty packaging and miscellaneous hardware and cleaning supplies, half-completed projects everywhere.  It was not presentable for a BOB meeting.  I told Noah I would clean it up and make us dinner.  He said I didn't have to because the BOBs were just going to have a bonfire in the back yard, but I'm sure they will all want a tour of his house.  So I put all the tools and hardware in the garage and boxes on the back patio to use as fire starter for the bonfire, threw away the garbage, swept the floors, took the tape off the counters, tidied up the loose ends.  

Noah worked late, so it gave me time to bake the pizzas and set out snacks for the BOBs (chocolate cake and carrots-for my BOB buddy that loves carrots).  He got home around 6:00, and we ate dinner and went for a quick walk before he started getting the fire ready for the 7:00 bonfire.  It's a beautiful clear night for it.  I left before the BOBs arrived.  They'll stay late, and Noah has to be in Danvers early in the morning, so he plans to spend the night at his house.  

This picture is from yesterday, when the leaves were still on his beautiful tree.

  Today he has a gorgeous yellow-carpeted yard. You can see where he broke the gate yesterday.

First time he has parked in his garage.

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