Sunday, November 15, 2020

Productive day

 After church we helped a family move.  I rode with Noah so I could chat with him on the way.  He seemed depressed.  I asked him if he was happy.  He said yes with his words, but his body language said the opposite. I hadn't even seen a hint of his beautiful smile.  I asked him if living on his own was everything he expected it to be.  He said that he likes it but does get lonely sometimes.  I asked him if he's eating anything green.  He said he's making smoothies with spinach every night.  He looked dirty and shaggy-haired.  

After we finished moving, he said he was going to go to Farm & Fleet and then go home.  I told him he was welcome to come over but didn't think he would.  I was sad when he left because I sensed his sadness.  I called him while he was at Farm & Fleet and asked him if he wanted to come over and cook something with me and he said he would like that.  I had not planned on doing that so had no idea what I was going to make.  

I pulled out every bag of frozen vegetables I could find in my freezer, a can of tomatoes, and a can of beans, and he put it all in a pot and cooked it, added some Italian seasonings, salt, and pepper.  Meanwhile we cooked a box of  pasta.  Served the veggies on the pasta, and he ate 2 bowls and took some home. 

I also pulled out every fresh vegetable I could find (turnips, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, red pepper) and roasted them.  

While those were in the oven, Noah took a shower and I gave him a haircut.  He and Mike talked about sports and he laughed, a sound that made me happy. Shadow and Marty swarmed around him, and there was a lot of petting.  He left looking better and being filled with vegetables, and there seemed to be more of a spring in his step.  

I also cut Mike's hair, shaved Sarah's neck hair, and gave her friend a trim.  All this cooking and cutting helped take my mind off the miserable, incessant itching of the poison ivy that has been plaguing me for over a week.  

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