Monday, November 2, 2020


 Yesterday I went to the bungalow after church and finished the countertops. Noah helped me with all the pouring and stirring, because it was too much for one person.  It requires precise timing, and it's stressful getting it all spread evenly before it starts to harden.

The countertop had actual holes in it from knots in the wood, so I filled those in with spackle, waited for that to dry, then put wood stain on it (with my finger, because that worked better than a paintbrush), waited for that to dry, and finally we were ready to seal the whole thing. 

Here's a before picture:
And after:
After it cures overnight, I'll take the blue tape off. 

Noah tried to spend the night there, but after a couple false starts, he ended up coming back to our house. 

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